Thursday, March 29, 2012

# 4 - Escapes =)

Restricted, controlled and trapped. We look for a way to escape from the crisis and problems which follow us wherever we go. We can’t run away but we have to be brave. 

Ceria Bogak Beach Camp Pangkor, February 2012

We have to be strong to find ways to look for our freedom. In the end, the space makes us careless and forgetful. Forcing us to think. Burden us. And free us. Suffocate and stifle us

The Typewriter,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

# 3 - Inevitable =)

As written in the letters I receive from friends who are near and far, we move from one place to another, bringing along sweet memories and hopes which we want to share. Like a very small spot of dust blowing in the wind. We search for certainties and direction of our future. We carry the burden and the bad experience which we want to leave behind, old stories which we want to forget. 

Casa Rachado Port Dickson, 2011

Clinging to hopes, to start a new life. One day we will realize that making a mistake is part of growing up. Whether we like it or not, we have to make our choice and face all the obstacles in continuing this inevitable journey. A journey which will take us to a new place and which will take us home. 

The Typewriter,

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

# 2 - Friends =)

Everybody needs friends. People whom we communicate with. But who can we consider as friends? Friends who we spend time at coffee shop. Friends whom we work with. Friends whom we hang out with. School friends or our childhood friends. There is no prejudice, no difference and no competition. Until one day when we open up our eyes and we realize that the world is not as it seems. 

Social Studies Exhibition Day, October 2011

It’s not a problem to make friends nowadays. We don’t have to leave our homes and we don’t even have to leave our seats. We just need to sit in front of the computer and hit some key on the keyboards. We have some things in common. It does not matter if we don’t agree on things. It does not matter if we don’t know each other. We have to accept the risk as friendship is one journey which is full of uncertainties. We continue the journey in our search for friends and companions to fill the emptiness without realizing that they are right in front of us. Waiting for us to find each other. Only time can tell the direction of a friendship.

The Typewriter,

Monday, March 26, 2012

#1 - Serenity =)

When we realize that the world we built is either fragile or is breaking down we try as much as we can to stay strong. As that is the only thing which we can do. We know the journey to make us grow up is not an easy one. The relationship is getting more difficult. The body which works hard is getting tired. The heart which we hope will soften hardened even more. 

Taman Tasik Permaisuri, late 2011

And the loneliness in our heart makes us want to achieve happiness and perfection. We are aware and know that we must be brave to free ourselves. Brave enough to forget our previous memories and to look for serenity. But we have to go through our life one step at a time. We keep on fighting ourselves and face the burdens that come our way. We can only prepare ourselves and wait for the opportunities and seize back what we have lost.  

                                                                                 The typewriter,

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Long time no see !`


Hello everybody ! Whadup boys and girls ? It's been quite a long time since my last post in this blog. What's going on ? Sorry lah lama gila tak update. Busy sikit lah lately ni. *Ade pulak org kisah aku update blog ke tak kan ,LOL. Actually bukan sebb takde masa je aku tak update blog,but ade lg sebb lain. Aku macam dah tak de modal nak taip pasal ape. So macam no use je aku nak post new entry kan. Tapi post kali ni,aku nak post pasal ape yg aku buat selama aku pergi and ape aku wat at the school where my School Based Experience (SBE) was conducted.

So,macam biasa. Lets pictures tell everything. =)

Ni students darjah satu. Yang specky Luqman and lg sorg tu Adam Naufal. Nakal budak2 ni tapi mendengar kata. Best berborak dengan dioerg and ni jugak class first yanga ku masok untuk relief. Sepanjang aku relief,dieorg bg kerjsama. Bagus haaha =p

Ni dalam bengkel Kemahiran Hidup. Yang tengah gergaji kayu tu budak Darjah 4. U know what,time ni aku baru perasan yang Budak class belakang2 buat kerja kayu laju je siap. Tapi bila suruh budak kelas depan2 gergaji kayu,hm bapak lah lembab. Korg paham kan maksod aku ? Kalau tak pham jugak,wat2 paham jelah. lol

Pameran Anti dadah. Sepanjang aku Sbe kat sekolah ni,bnyak jugak ade ceramah and pameran. Seronok get involve dengan benda2 ni. Not much utk diperkatakan. Ceramah macam biasa lah,membosankan. =/

Ceramah lagi -.-' Penceramah berceramah dekat depan,students berceramah dekat belakang. Fenomena bisa lah tu.

 Ni la bilik guru kami. Meh aku perkenalkan,tu wanie a.k.a Maya Kamilla. Kali ni aku buat sbe dgn die. Btw,aku suka quotes dekat dinding tas tu Hihi

Based on ape yg cikgu2 sekolah ni ckp,ni pemandangan biasa every pagi rabu. Student duduk dekat perhimpunan and tulis sifir 1 sampai 12. Bagus jugak inisiatif macam ni =)

Gerai kendalian Usahawan Muda. Ade jual macam2. And kedai ni dibuka setiap kali msa rehat. Harga berpatutan standard utk dijual kp budak sekolah.=) 

Kumpulan kompang. Bersemangat masing2 main walaupon kompang tu lagi besar dari dioerg. Hahah  

Budak ni peserta pertandingan nyanyian solo. Die wakil sekolah ni. Suara die power. Dia nyanyi lagu Ramalanku benar belaka by Umbrella. Power gila die tarik ! haha

Pasukan choral speaking sekolah. Ni training for the next competition yang dieorg akan participate.

Bilik kegemaran aku,bilik music. Ade drum set. Tangan aku gatal nak pegang benda alah ni nk kasi tujuk skill bermain drum aku kan. Tapi malang,aku segan sebb ramai sgt org dlm bilik ni time nie. Kuikuikui.

Bila pendidikan seni. Banyak jugak hasil seni yg kreatif2. Abaikan model tak berbayar tu. -.-'

Nahhhhhh,hadiah utk students. Gila excited aku beli bnyak2 ni sebb nak bagi kat student favourite aku hahahah

Sesi bg penghargaan dekat Guru Besar. Aku bg ayat kursi je. Okay kot aku rasa. Guru besar ni tak best sbb die tak bnyak ckp. Malu lettew ngn aku. LOL

And here we go. Student2 favourite aku selama seminggu =) Budak2 ni semua add aku kat fb. Mane dieorg tau ntah nama fb aku. Tapi aku tak approve pon sbb aku takot aku jd contoh yg tak baik utk dieorg . Cehhh hahha

Ni Adam lagi. Aku baru perasan yang aku bnayk rapat dengan student laki. Hal ini adalah kerana student perempuan sekolah ni gediks. Tak shukew tak shukew. Hahahha

 Tu dia habaq hang excited bergambar terutama sekali yg paling sihat dekat tengah tu . Hihi

 Paper relief class dlm kenangan. HihI

So far everything was good. And i started to fall in love to teaching profession. Hihi.
Okay that's it. Till meet in the next post. See yah ! =)