Friday, August 19, 2011

at last :-)

at last masa yang ditunggu tiba.

at last hati die terbuka.

at last aku dapat study dengan amannya.

at last aku dapat menambah ilmu didada.

at last semuanya dipermudahkan olehNya

at last i can be brave to stand for my answer.

at last i can be courage to answer her.

at last i can understand the novel better.

at last i can smile during her class.

at last i can enjoy learning those things.

at last everything back to normal.

thanks GOD.



p/s : maybe i should write my next post in english to improve my bad english.
p/s 1 : i can't even wait to go back home for raya :-)
p/s 2 : i miss my bubu,hope u're in the pink of health there


  1. HAHA.
    i think so.
    write the entry in english to improve my very bad english :(
    same goes to me, nak balik rayaaaa !

  2. Harap2 the last few weeks kita akan jadai sebegini. Mintak maaf kepada ko sebab aq korang belajar x aman. hmmm....

  3. didah > sabar ok..5 days to go ..weeeeee :-)

    kak ade > mung diam2 sudoh lohh..hahha

    khalid > bukan salah ko lah khalid,kite semua same..:-)
