Monday, December 3, 2012

#14 - A Sense of What I think Is Logic.

We all have feelings right? Allah SWT created us with feelings. Uncountable amount of feelings. Sometimes we don't even know how to differentiate those feelings. Means, mixed feelings lah to cut things short.

I hate people easily. Thats just entirely my fault cause you know, people annoy me. Especially typical people. I bet people hate me too so I dont feel bad hating people. Hehe. BUT, I must say in my religion, they teach us to love one another. Countless of skin colour, what holy book you refer in life, what school you go, what clothes you wear, it's just the question respect. 

That's why I think as an immature 20 years old, war is really unnecessary. I know most of you must be like (yaaah, you don't say mannn), but at least I'm trying to say something here.

Munir's in blue, Home Sweet Home

What's going on in the land of Palestine is tragic for me. My heart goes to them. I, as an 20 years old student can't do much about it. I don't have money to donate, don't have the power to stop the war. All I can do is pray for them. I hope so much one day Allah SWT will show them what's right and give them what they deserve. Freedom. Freedom to walk around. Freedom to go to school and learn and go to work to raise a happy family. Why can't they do that?

We, Malaysian. We live in peace. Alhamdulillah for that. But because of this, we tend to forget about the unfortunate people that are fighting for their lives. Innocent people are dead for what? What do they gain? Why do they do this. Tell me, and explain to me cause I for one person need to know. 

Lives has been taken away like it has no meaning. Every day. Every single day people die. I can't imagine if it happens to me. How heart breaking it is for me to read news from GAZA. And it's more heart breaking to know that I can't do anything but pray. And I know, Allah SWT knows, that it's enough. What goes around, comes around. May Allah protects them, and may they live in peace. InsyaAllah. Amin



  1. sama2 kita berdoa untuk saudara muslim di Gaza. Doa adalah senjata yang paling kuat. :)

  2. Okay Ain. May God protect them. Amin :)
